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Traineeship application procedure

Good that you are considering to apply for one of our special traineeships. We would like to tell you how the procedure works.

  • Respond online
  • Selection for trainee selection day
  • Trainee selection day
  • Selection for visiting the gutroom
  • Gutroom visit
  • Choice of candidate
  • Congratulations!

Respond online
Via deze website kun je kenbaar maken dat je graag deel zou willen namen aan onze traineeships. Dit doe je door het insturen van je CV en een Engelstalige motivatiebrief. We proberen je binnen 2 weken een reactie te geven. Op basis van je CV en motivatiebrief bepalen we of we je uitnodigen voor een van de trainee selectiedagen. Deze dagen vinden ongeveer 2x per jaar plaats. 

Trainee selection day*
For the trainee selection day, we invite about ten candidates to our head office in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel to participate in an inspiring day, during which you visit, among other things, our factory, make a quick acquaintance with your possible future tutors and mentors and get to know the industry and this special company. Based on the interviews, we select two to four candidates who will receive an invitation to visit a gut room.

Gutroom visit*
Since you as a trainee will learn all facets of the profession and gain knowledge about it, we start with the basis of our product, our own gutrooms inside the slaughterhouse. This might be a bit disconcerting, but it is an essential part of the traineeship. In the gut room, you learn how we make sure that we ‘harvest’ bowelpackages with such efficiency and high quality. So a strong stomach is desirable. We consider it important that you are able to perform well in the gutroom. This is because it is the basis and the start of your traineeship. So do not hesitate to indicate if you do not feel comfortable here. It may then be that there is no match. In the gut room, you also receive a tour from our specialists, who will tell you a great deal about the product and show it to you. Based on your results of the selection day and how you function in the gutroom, we determine which candidate (or candidates) we will select for one of the traineeships.

Jeee! Selected
If you receive notice that you have been selected, you will of course put the flag out; if you are still enthusiastic, HR will prepare a contract that we go through with you. Once the signatures have been placed, you can soon start and we welcome you into the family of Van Hessen.

We hopen dat de procedure duidelijk is en dat je nog steeds enthousiast bent over de functie. Zo ja dan zien we je reactie graag tegemoet. En anders…bedankt voor je interesse en wellicht tot een andere keer.


* All this depends on any current Covid restrictions and the possibility of meeting each other live.

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